Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chistmas Sneek Peek (s) plus???

Hi so it me seince im new Here is an OLD and NEW sneek peek! Oh and Happy77 proof!AND TOYS AVAILIBLE IN THE UK!!

And..... Thats it.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Ya so there are some weird boxes in the Town -I like Bananas- ,The Cove,and the Ski Village .And now some pictures **Applause**

Hmm they all have chistmasy stuff coming out of them..... Maybe its for Easter!!!!

Coins for Change!

I must feel Generous or sometin cause I made this like 11 second video for Coins for Change! So check out my vid and go donate ya lazy bums! Jk lol.

But for real. Go donate! I donated 5050 coins. Ya see I am nice.Sometimes........